I have a couple of patches that use the [TuioClient] to connect to reacTIVision. However, after closing and re-opening Pd, I get this when I try to open the patches:
(Tcl) INVALID COMMAND NAME: invalid command name "listening"
while executing
"listening to TUIO messages on UDP port 3333"
("uplevel" body line 184)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 $cmds_from_pd"
This is accompanied with a stopwatch symbol, which lasts a few minutes, and when it goes away the patch still does not load.
I am then actually able to open the patch if i do so from the Finder rather than the Open in the Pd menu, but sometimes it does not let me edit the patch.
Can someone please help me make it work consistently? Thanx.
EDIT: patch uploaded.