can anyone explain me how i can load a txt. file contains int. in a table (array)
i'll do it with: a bang => openpanel => ?
I dont have a clue how i can store it to the table?
please help me!
Txt. load in a table?
can anyone explain me how i can load a txt. file contains int. in a table (array)
i'll do it with: a bang => openpanel => ?
I dont have a clue how i can store it to the table?
please help me!
To load the data of file-name.txt, send the message "read file-name.txt" to the table. (Note that the table should be resized first.) So, for your situation, it would be something like this:
[read $1(
thx... now i can read the txt but in the table there are just zeros is this because it's not resized? How i can/should resize the table?!
You can resize with a message like this (you'll have to know the size in advance ... or just pick a size that will be bigger than what you need):
[resize 5000(
What does your text file look like? As far as I can tell, the table will load from the file any numbers separated by any kind of whitespace, but it will stop reading as soon as it comes across text or punctuation or other characters.
that will be okey, there are just numbers but something is still wrong. Here is my code I thin there is an error in the building order or a problem that my dont't write into my
i also have a table
more about my problem when the resize works but when i want to read my txt into the table there comes this message???
"read 0 elements into table of size 20"
Oops! Looks like something went wrong!