I've been working on a simple step sequencer design that uses a Korg Nanokontrol. For each of 8 channels on the Nano, the knob controls the note duration, the fader controls the note value, and I'd like the two momentary toggles to control velocity.
So the two buttons are set up as toggle switches, sending out a MIDI CC, with 0 or 127 depending on whether they're on or off. With two on-off toggles, I'd like to use the four states to feed four velocity values into a makenote - 0, 42, 84, 127.
I started by feeding the ctlin output to some == logic objects, so I can get four 0s or 1s, based on whether the two toggles are on or off. But from there, I'm stuck. I've tried some conditional logic from there, but the cold inlet concept has me stymied. I suspect there's some order of operation stuff going on, too? There's also the issue of differentiating between the two one-on, one-off states. Any advice would be appreciated!