Posting the patch won't help much, as it requires particular hardware to test (256 light grid), and some amount of setup. I can describe it quickly here, however.
There are 16 instances of 'ctleuclid'.
ctleuclid takes in OSC messages sent out of another patch, analyzes them, and sends back out corresponding messages.
For every press of a button on the 256 grid, ctleuclid sends out 17 messages (all staggered by ~1ms.). The first 16 messages turn off the lights on the selected column, the last message turns on the light for the selected button press.
An example message is this:
send /box/led/set 0 0 1
---which will turn on the light for button X0Y0.
So, I need to wait for all of these 17 messages to come in before allowing OSC output on any other instance of ctleuclid.
However it is quite likely that I will press another button before this process has finished, so I need to record the OSC outputs from the other instances of ctleuclid before sending them out after the previous instance has completed its output.
I was thinking of using qlist or something similar, but I'm not totally sure how to approach this. Any help would be really appreciated. 