Hello again!
I've written a patch that uses twelve buttons and six analog controls (four potentiometers and two slide pots) as input for a sampler. The trouble is, however, that despite communications working in the pduino help file, and when testing them with the Firmata test application, the analog pins are very slow and the digital pins don't actually appear to be working at all. I'm running this on a Mac with OSX 10.6.8 with an Arduino Uno (Revision 3). I've tried using an external power supply and modifying how much power the buttons get, but I still get the same result...
The code and samples are here (the file was too big to upload). It contains all the samples so that you don't get spewed with errors during startup. There's a readme.txt file as well as a pd readme inside ArduiContPd.pd which should explain some of the more confusing elements...
I hope that you can help and thanks in advance.