I hope this hasn't been mentioned before but I would like to know if I can output the sounds I generate with pd to an audio software like logic audio instead of sending them to a soundcard?
Thanks in advance
Pd output to another audio software
what about on the input side? i'm trying to get pd's MIDI out back in as audio.
I'm using jack(on osx) to route simple synth(using to turn the MIDI signal into instruments sounds) back into pd, but in pd i don't know which object to use to receive the audio signal from simple synth's output.
Yep, I'm sorry Bex. I misrepresented the thing about [vst~], it's not something I use so i get confused. In fact [vst~] is an object that allows you to use VST plugins inside Pd, not to use Pd as a VST plugin. Sorry if that sent you on a wild chase.
There's actually an active discussion on the list about this right now.
Seems like the best solution is to follow what Jean says with the OSX version of Jack to do your routing (both input and output to and from Logic)
Use the Source.
but it's not yet working for me...
i'm just trying out jack, and though i understand how it it works, i dont get any signal back in pd using the adc~ object, which i thought would be where simple synth's output would appear?
did you set the audio input in pd's preferences?
and jack is showing me there are 4 active connections (2 from simple synth, 2 from pd)jean
so, pd's audio input is definately set to receive the jack output of the synth?
ok..other obvious questions..
is "compute audio" switched on?
if you make a sinewave in pd, it makes a sound? like this:
[osc~ 440]
[dac~] -
under preferences:
input device1: jack, channel 2
output device1: same as input.compute audio is checked on
under the media menu:->port audio:
input device 1 : jack router 2 channels
output device 1: jack server 2 channelsunder the media menu->jack
input device1: jack, channel 2
output device1: same as input. channel 2the machine i'm using is a g5 xserve machine with a virtual output, located in a rack far away from me, behind the locked doors of an IT dept that has granted me remote desktop access. Though while it was at my place it was connected to an USB audio interface it had sound output when doing the audio/ MIDI tests or just patching an oscillator.
I'm not doing realtime audio output but recording to an mp3. my mp3 contains sounds generated from oscillators and samples, but none from the MIDI instrument i am triggering inside pd and played through simple synth.
Curiously jack display in its routing window both pd and simple synth, but also another instance of pd, named: pure_data_0, though i don't have two instances of pd running simultaneously.
I emailed jackosx and stephane letz replied back saying:
"Last time i checked the way PureData access jack, it was just broken! I mean the PD jack
code (implemented in a s_audio_jackd.c) has several problems, one of which is *never*
correctly closing the jack client. This could explain the fact you see several instances
of jack client.I suggest to send a mail to PD developer and signaling the problem."
his comments makes me think the same problem cold be encountered using soundflower. so before i go down that patch, i'd rather finish thoroughly troubleshooting this combo, with the help of other users...
jean -
mate, i don't really know the exact solution to your problem yet,
but lots of people use jack on osx with pd if the mailing list is anythign to go by. so you should
be able to get it going.from looking at your post, and i don't know about jack cos i use soundflower if i rarely do audio routing..but this bit looks suspicious to me:
input device1: jack, channel 2
output device1: same as input.what channel is simple synth routed to? is it the channel2?
if you do get really stuck and can't find a solution, then i've never had any problem with soundflower...it was pretty straightforward to install and setup.
but i reckon just follow all the connections going in and out of the simple synth and pd via jack...i reckon you don'(t have somethign corrected right.
jack is very straighforward, and i come to the same conclusion about its functinality. linking simple synth outputs to pd's inputs is just a clicking job in jack, with an indication the connection is made.
"channel 2" should have been typed "channels: 2" , just means the number of channels connected, i'm just routing stereo.
but much thanx for the input.