Hi! Im running Ubuntu 12.04 lts 64 bit and trying to install pd-extended. I grabbed the .deb file but when I go to install it I got the error "dependency is not satisfiable: libmagick++3 (>= 7:". The strange thing is that I currently have libmagick++4 installed. So ive started to go through all of the dependencies that are not there, installing previous versions of libraries that I have. I got rid of libmagick++4 in favor of libmagick++3, now im doing libquicktime1 instead of libquicktime2, libavcodec52, libavutils etc. All of these are dependencies that Ive installed the most recent versions of but pd just doesnt recognize them because they are new.
Is there a way around this? I bet most of these libraries are backwards compatible, is there a way to convence pd of that? Am i going to have to build pd myself?
I started by downloading vanilla and adding the external libraries but I found that a lot of essential GUI objects were missing and I was getting constant error messages, it was unusable.
Thanks for any help.