Hey guys,
Im trying to use loadbang to set my audio parameters, but i only know the audio on/off.
I would like to load when I open pd, my external sound card.
How can i do this?
Loadbang settings
Hey guys,
Im trying to use loadbang to set my audio parameters, but i only know the audio on/off.
I would like to load when I open pd, my external sound card.
How can i do this?
pd dps 1
pd dps 0
pd dsp 1
not dps
You can use [hcs/get-audio-dialog] to grab the settings from the audio dialog and save them in the patch. If you're on Pd-extended 0.43, you might also want to look at the new mediasettings library.
Something like his :/
pd dsp 1
pd dsp input device 1
pd dsp (0)Built-in Microphone(
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