Hello !
I am not very experienced in PD neither am I in Android development, I'm just a coder who's OK in the Java programming language. I intend to build an Android app using libpd for one of it's features - a screen with a piano-roll type of sequencer that plays the notes using a simple sine wave.
I don't come to ask for solutions but for some light ahead of my path - what kind of development roadmap do I have ahead? How should I implement my idea?
The idea is simple:
1 - a sequencer like in this picture: http://tangram.dnsalias.net/lmms/0.3.1/tutorial-1stsong/variation-2.png
2 - the sequencer plays a single Sine wave
3 - to have the ability to change the synth's ADSR parameters at any time
4 - if I click the piano keys on the left I hear the note's sound
5 - to be able to export the composition to MIDI
As you can see, the synth requirement is extremely basic. Creating a simple sine wave synth in PD with editable ADSR is something I already know how to do!
But to make it work with such sequencer, I have no idea. What will I need from PD and how should I integrate it with a UI ? Can the sequencer logic be made in PD?
Should I:
create a pd patch that's a simple Sinusoid synth with adjustable ADSR parameters
create another PD patch that's a sequencer, that would work with the previous patch to emit sounds?
make a patch that's the combination of both above ?
should I use PD just for the sound synthesis and use just java code for the sequencing ? Would this be even reliable ?
does MIDI need to have any role in this? I only want to export MIDI files with the composition, nothing more.
Thanks for reading this far! Again, I'm just asking for advice on the kind of development roadmap I have ahead, so any tiny tip that guides me will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you
ps: My apologies if I'm not posting this in the correct section, after reading the sections' Abouts I'm still unsure where to post this