hey all. I am trying to write a sequencer (i know i know) and i need to store values into a coll or some kind of lookup table. I am trying to do this with [tosymbol] and [fromsymbol] pairs to make sure that I can separate note events in each beat. It ends up looking like this in the coll file
instrument1 pattern1 step1 , (note1 64 127 1000 0) (note2 127 500 0)
where each parentheses pair represents something that has been tosymbol-ed together into a list and the extra numbers represent MIDInote# velocity duration and shift. This is good because when i am calling back the info i've stored i can break up the individual lists and then fromsymbol each separate note event to get my info out like so:
[beat info goes in <
[coll stored-info]
[zl iter 1]
[output = (note1 64 127 1000 0), (note2 127 500 0), etc as seperate lists]
The problem with this method is that coll does not seem to store/recall tosymbol information correctly when i save it as a txt file and try to recall it :/ Has anyone tried saving nested lists in a file before? I would like to avoid putting in extra symbols because i want to keep the original file readable but any help on this topic is greatly appreciated.