I have written a patch that opens 8 sound files. The sound files are tracks to a song that i want to mix live. Each track is sent to its own readsf~. then I trigger all the readsf~ simutaneously. This works pretty much but I think I am overloading PD and getting dsp errors bad file format/header the errors are spoaratic and effect diiferent tracks on different starts, sometimes no problems at all. Any Ideas on ways to better implement the live mixer?
Problem using multiple readsf~ for live music mixer
so, are you saying that sometimes a track will play fine, but then other times it gives a bad header error? that's really strange.
OK--here is where I am at....
I am working on three machines
It works (or rather I can't make it error) on a machine with the PD extended.
the machine with the old 3.8 version and the "offcial release" both mess up.
I am experimenting with flags and linked dll in startup because the wonky version have flags for asio midiindev ect and link to gem and some other stuff....
I attached the patch see is anyone can get the same problems, thanks
See if this makes any improvement. The [t a a a a a ] block distributes the [start( message (type any) to each soundfile player in turn. A more reliable evaluation order might do the trick. In Pd evaluation orders are depth first right to left, but output signals are *undefined* , which is quite bad and why the [t] object is needed. It's confusing because not all are undefined, some are determined by the order you make the connections, same are not, which can make it hell to debug
If you've got an output feeding lots of inputs and erratic behaviour chances are you need a trigger in there.
It might not fix your problem but please let me know as I'm curious if it does.
Use the Source.
So here's what I have discoevered. After disabling any externs or flags, the official version still showed bad header errors, in a predicable order. The open commands 1-8 error in this order: 8-4-7-3-6-2-5. The first sample loaded rarely has a problem (sometime 1 errors and 2 is fine).
BUT....Pd version 0.38.4-extended-RC8 never errors!!! even with linked externs ect.
The [taaaaa] didn't change anything, but will tidy a bit and increase future debugging, thanks for that!
so, if Pd version 0.38.4-extended-RC8 starts to bug out I will follow up, but for now I think the case is closed thanks to all.