I'm looking for a timeline-based software where:
- I can draw (and ideally, record) multichannel automation,
- said automation can then be sent out as OSC data,
- its playback position (and ideally, speed) can be controlled by OSC, MTC or in some other programmable way.
From this page: http://www.ardour.org/osc_control
I see Ardour can be controlled by OSC, and I suppose it can handle automation, but I can't find any mention of whether it can send out OSC data.
IanniX always looked too artsy to me, so if anyone has experimented with it, I'd like to know if it's possible to be precise to a degree where I want it to eg linearly output values from 0.1 to 0.569 over 0.6 seconds?
Anyone familiar with AlgoScore or 'Timeline OSC Sequencer'? I just found these while writing this post - shame on me
BTW, I posted in this section because this is I/O stuff, and I need it to control arduino, video etc, although that's not obvious from the post.... If there is a more appropriate section, please move it at will.