I would like to have an osc~ and hear all the frequencies in the same volume level. In fact to correct the frequency response from the ear. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Perceived_Human_Hearing.png). Is there an object or have someone a solution?
Correct the ear!
Maybe just save the equal loudness contour in to a table. The x-axis as frequency, y-axis as dBSPL.
When you read through the table with a frequency input you'll get the corresponding dB output.
Your idea is good but I have to know the maths behind this curve. With a little search I've found this (http://scholar.google.de/scholar?hl=de&lr=&q=related:qLdXyEJpdMsJ:scholar.google.com/&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=qGSrTPW8CcGBOpWJ7bcH&sa=X&oi=science_links&ct=sl-related&resnum=14&ved=0CF4QzwIwDQ), witch I think is a very complex issue. That's why I am asking if someone has done something similar before!
Yeah that's the hard part. Getting the curve into PD
This might be of some use, some one trying to do it in Max: http://www.cycling74.com/forums/topic.php?id=13899
hi there,
I've got the same problem and found an object called mtx_phon_curve (from the iemmatrix library). It looks as if it is the right thing to use but I got stuck when I tried to implement it in my patch. Any suggestions more than welcome!
The [mtx_phon_curve] is a great object but I think that only generates the several curves from the equal-loudness contours. See ISO 226:2003 – Normal equal-loudness-level contours in http://www.sengpielaudio.com/Acoustics226-2003.pdf
Loy, G., 2006 (pp. 167-168), turns clear our issue when he said: “In general, for a sinusoid with frequency f, we want to know what intensity I is required so that it will have the same loudness L as a sinusoid at 1000 Hz. Let ε be the criterion of equal loudness. Then for some frequency f and loudness L, we want to solve the relation I = ε (L, f), which tells us what intensity I is required for a sinusoid to achieve loudness L at frequency f.”
Loy, G., (2006). Musimathics 1. The Mathematical Foundations of Music. Cambridge, Massachusetts, The Mit Press, pp. 167-168.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t give any formula to achieve that.
We need a mathematical function that relates frequencies and intensities along the 40 phon curve (A-weighting). The A-weighting curve it is used with sinusoids and represents the better approximation in relation to our auditory perception. In my research I found an equation for A-weighting curves extracted from: Wong, G. (2007). Sound Level Meters, The Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control. New York. Ed. Malcohm J. Crocker, John Wiley, pp. 455-464.
See pages 457 to 459; eq. (2) and the Fig. 6 in the wong.pdf file
I’ve implemented the eq. (2) in Pure Data. Check it if it is correct.
Have someone the mtx_*,mtx_+,mtx_-,mtx_.^, objects? Because I cannot find them in the iemlib or iemmatrix and they are needed for the mtx_phon_curve object!
I need those objects too.
Those objects are written in c and they are inside of the src file in
http://pure-data.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pure-data/externals/iem/iemmatrix/?diff_format=h&pathrev=v0-39-3-extendedSCM Repositories
I think that you have to compile them to transform it in Pure Data externals.
@ pp2007.pt: thanks very much for this.
@ skatias: I had the same problem and was able to overcome this by adding the hexloader library. After that, mtx_*, mtx_+ etc. should be working.