Hi there,
I've been trying to sort it for three or four evenings.
I designed a patch which does basic audio mixing and routing between pd and external apps.
Some features in this big patch are brought to my eyes when clicking on toggles, simply opening pd patches using "Pd open ..." messages. This way I can call different "instruments", in a mutually exclusive fashion.
Sometimes, in a apparently random way, this action of closing the last window opened and opening a new one leads me to an audio distorsion (and hums of various types) on the "main" two outputs of the "big" patch, while audio sent by "child" patches to two other DAC remain clean. For days my only response was to immediately close Pd and other services and restart everything. Sometimes the sound went back clean, but sometimes the second "run" remained "dirty". Afterthat I realized that I could either continue playing with my windows opening/closing till it (apparently randomly) gets clean again !
Of course when window open an short overall glitch can be heard, but I can stand that. I imagine this is "normal". The previously mentionned distorted sound occurs on a very simple ADC1 DAC1 bypass sothat I can hear the incoming instrument signal and I "play" with my window opening/closing till the audio starts to distort.
I use jackdmp on a core2-duo pc with UbuntuStudio64 8.04.3, reasonably efficient. I use a 2-4 M-audio fasttrack pro with alsa and Pd-Extended 0.41.0 .
I am a noob, but I wonder if this could deal with some kind of "discussion" between Jackd and Pd when opening and closing patches ?
Every idea about who to fix this or what's happening would be welcome.