Is there a sneaky way to set the metro to a certain number
eg the metro is counting up with cup (^_^) and modulo-s at 16. I want to set to to 0 when i stop the metro, and when I start it again, the metro starts at 0.
Beginner's \[metro\] question
Is there a sneaky way to set the metro to a certain number
eg the metro is counting up with cup (^_^) and modulo-s at 16. I want to set to to 0 when i stop the metro, and when I start it again, the metro starts at 0.
According to [cup]'s helpfile, you can just send it [0(. So do that when you turn off the [metro].
wow thanks, don't know how i didn't catch that.
one more question, this time regarding [key].
Any way to restrict [key] from working unless shift - or alt is held?
You'd probably want to use a second [key] looking for shift or alt to open up a [spigot], and let the first [key] run through it. And then use a [keyup] to close the [spigot].
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