First of, if you are using FLOSC, your data coming out of flash has to be in OSC format. A native array object in flash will not transfer over as an array in PD. You'll have to convert the array to OSC format, send it to PD, parse the message, then route the data to the right place.
The way I see it you'll have to send each array index as a different message:
You might be able to send the whole array as a list:
\waveData\150 150 150 150 etc
(some of the other OSC experts can confirm or correct this)
Then you can parse the OSC messages in PD with an object like [routeOSC]
If you want to make a graphic array in PD with those numbers, then I think you have to send the numbers as a list. Then you can bang each number from the list into an array where it will show the points. I personally haven't done this so someone who is better versed in parsing lists to arrays can help you. There may even be a patch in the help browser that will get you going.