how to make a good lfo?
i usually use an [osc~] to do something like in the attached file but it's not the right way and there's no depth control.
any advice?
Lfo rate and depth
to control the depth of an osc~, just put a multiplier after it
Dual 1.8 IBM G5: Mac OSX 10.4.11 -- Asus eeePC 701: Pure:Dyne / eeeXubuntu GNU/Linux -- myspace.com/thearifd
It depends.
osc~ oscillates between -1 and 1 so using it the way you did will not only oscillate the amplitude but also invert the signal.What you could do is after multiplying it by a factor between 0 and 1 as arif suggests is to add 1 to it. That way it will oscillate between 0 and 2 at the maximum depth and stay centered at 1. That way if your depth is 0 it will stay at it's original amplitude.
It's probably also a good idea to divide the total output by 2 since it might clip at the maximum oscillation.
thank you for the answers,
I tried with the multiplier the +1 the /2 but nothing changes so I certainly am missing something.
Can you give me a graphic, sketch, patch or something?
thx again -
This got me thinking about something - I just figured this out. See if it works for you.
Right Simon2,
this is exactly what i need.
I'll study the depth stuff, it seems the [swap] object was my missing tessera.
Thank you very much! -
and here's something i found in the attic.
(you need to feed a metro into it's first inlet)
Dual 1.8 IBM G5: Mac OSX 10.4.11 -- Asus eeePC 701: Pure:Dyne / eeeXubuntu GNU/Linux -- myspace.com/thearifd
thank you arif,
I already know and use the krate-lfo. For panning stuff it's perfect but as classic synthesis lfo i found the one by Simon2 more convenient.
cheers -
@alistair_blunt thanks,swap was what i was missing for my amount