For a while I have had a problem loading the libraries that come with PD extended and have not been able to fix it. I have made sure that the paths are correct and I have deleted PD and downloaded and installed it several times, but nothing seems to work.
There is a big list of errors when I start PD telling me the files that it has tried to load and failed, here is a bit of it:
tried ./cyclone.d_ppc and failed
tried /Library/Pd/cyclone.d_ppc and failed
tried /System/Library/Fonts/cyclone.d_ppc and failed
tried /Library/Fonts/cyclone.d_ppc and failed
tried /Users/andrewbernstein/Library/Fonts/cyclone.d_ppc and failed
tried /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/cyclone.d_ppc and failed
tried /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.3.1/Home/lib/fonts/cyclone.d_ppc and failed
tried /sw/lib/X11/fonts/msttf/cyclone.d_ppc and failed
tried /sw/lib/X11/fonts/intl/TrueType/cyclone.d_ppc and failed
tried /sw/lib/X11/fonts/applettf/cyclone.d_ppc and failed
tried /Applications/PD/ and failed
tried /Users/andrewbernstein/Library/Pd/cyclone.d_ppc and failed
tried /Library/Pd/cyclone.d_ppc and failed
tried /Applications/ and failed
it goes on like that for a while looking for all of the libraries but most of them fail. It finds GEM after a while, but nothing else, even though they are all in the same place.
any advice???