Hello PD community,
I am trying to measure the frequency of an anemometer that gives as its values 1's and 0's as it spins. I am using a [select 1] object and an adding scheme to measure how many times the box reads 1 in a given amount of time before I a [metro] bangs 0 to the addition scheme and it starts counting from 0 again.
my problem is that when the number box goes from 0 to 1 it counts to like 8, instead of just 1. and if it is just sitting on 1 and the anemometer is not moving at all, it just keeps counting. maybe this is because there are slight variations in '1' ? i dont know.
I am using an Arduino circuit with PDuino to hook up the anemometer to PD.
any ideas? i have attached my patch to better show what i am talking about.