I need to fade in and out when playing samples (if possible with random fade) but i can't get the way to catch in a number box the rowling sample as I can do it for ex with enveloppes with env~.
How can I do?
Trivial flow pb
Maybe [snapshot~] (don't quite understand the question, sorry)
Use the Source.
Sorry, i try to explain it better: I want to be able to fade the sound of a sample. To do that i need to order the fade BEFORE the end of the sample ! So i'm looking for the way to SEE the samples going on in a number box, so that I can select at which number i fade.
i thought to use snapshot~ but my output~ is connectect to a textfile and it's not working
did i succed to be clear?
y -
are you playing samples with [readsf~], or one of the [tabplay~] ,[tabread4~] objects??
if you are using [readsf~] then you will need an external object such as [wavinfo] to get the length of the sample.
if you are writing the sample into a table using [soundfiler] and using [tabplay~] then the outlet of [soundfiler] gives you the sample duration
I use [readsf~] to play the sample. Unfortunatly my pd doesn't recognize [wavinfo] so I couldn't try it (I have Pd version 0.39.3-extended)...
To be able to fade out I catch the sample length with a /soundfiler/ connected to /read $ arrayX/ connected to a /symbol/. if i want to fade out my sample at a T time before the end, I connect a /-T/ (less T) (I have to learn how to do the "[" !) after my /soundfiler/ and throw this number in the right outlet of a /float/. This works ok BUT to be able to know when this number comes (and catch it with /sel/) i have to know when it comes ! Simply to SEE the clock going onAnd I don't manage that ... Uff! i'm I clear or it is worse and worse??? Y