hey many respect for this patch! I really like it!
So the base of this whole thing is the samplehold object?
I understand what the object itself does, but what that actually means for the rifft object is not clear to me. It delays simply the data of the rfft right? So why is the sound altering in the way it does? During the last days i tried to get into FFT and i understand the basics of it i would say but this surprises me.
I did some control additions:
For example i divided or multiplicated the base samplehold value by 2 every time a press a button.
Also adding or subtrating values by ten is interesting: it lets the structure rise or fall respectivly.
And i added a counter which counts up or down on the base of the samplehold value.
I found it useful for slightly altering the rhythmic and tonal structure...
Is there any way to get rid of the distortion on some tones??
Anyway great work!
Did you also come up with other things using fft objects? Would be very interested!