recently i startet to learn a bit into supercollider. very much on the beginning of the tutorials i found a lot of information about buffers to free them again and the whole thing about garbage collection. i can't find anything like this in the pd documenation. why is that?
i ran into problems with a patch, syntesizer/lifesampler/FX where always after a while of playing something it crackling.
sometimes i can stop i t by shutting down parts of the patch/machine.
if i restart pd it is good for the next while.
my concrete question now is, when i load a soundfile into a buffer or i record a sample form the adc~ how can i explictely free that memoryspace/buffeer again?
is that done automatically?
is there a way to force it?
Free buffer
It's automatic, so if you delete an object or array any memory is freed.
I don't know that you can explicitly call free on any object or buffer.
It sounds like an unusual problem. Can you provide any other tests or support to the theory of a memory leak, from top or other memory profile tools? If it's true then a bug report should be filed with any evidence you can gather.
andyUse the Source.