Is there any program out there like Jack, but for windows? I would like to play a song in winamp, then instead of going directly to tthe sound card, i want it to go through pd first, then to the sound card. If it has a graphical interface all the better
Audio routing for windows (Jack for windows)
I got it installed, but I don't know how to use jack so I can't tell you if it works. How do I send my music from winamp to pure data instead of my sound card?
thanks -
I've been using Jackdmp on windows for a couple of weeks now and everything works pretty good. Even got better latency through Jack than with the actual ASIO driver of my M-Audio FW410 !! With this soft Mac users may start to worry about what is "the best OS for multimedia applications ever" ^^One thing I'm wondering, there seems to be a startup flag in pd that allows to start on jack. Is this available on windows ? Seems it is not...
The main question in fact is : is there another way to declare sound devices than numbers in pd ? Jack uses the name of the Asio driver, which is much better when your audio configuration changes often.Thanks
Gobbi, could you elaborate on how you got Pd and Jack to work.
i have some experience with jack for a mac but i am own a pc. so far i've installed jack and qjackctl. i can get audio in and out of ableton through jack and out of reason. What i can't figure out is why Pd doesn't pop in the connections manager once I compute audio. jackRouter shows in as the sound card (using ASIO portAudio) but no pd in the connections manager so i am stumped. i have tried various open program then "compute audio" setup sequences and i still think opening jack starting the server, then opening ableton/pd then computing audio in pd should work. thats how its done on a mac/linux.
any suggestions? ...anyone?
I use jack with Pd on OSX, so I don't know if this helps or not. But to run Pd with jack, you first fire up the jack server via JackPilot. You thn select jack from the Media menu, which I noticed is not on my Windows Pd-extended. But basically what this does is open Pd's Audio Settings window and automatically change the driver to the JackRouter. (By the way, Gobbi, I hate to burst your bubble, but this considerably speeds up Pd on OSX as well.) Doing this shows Pd in JackPilot's Connections Manager (sometimes I have to close and reopen the window first) without having to start Pd's dsp.
Beyond that, there's a video on youtube showing jack, Live, and Pd in Windows:
jackdmp0.7 i had working some time ago. It came with agood readme so it wasnt too much of a hassle to install.
Apps and soundcard must be asio compatible.
for winamp theres an asiodriver, try google.
And theres asio4all if you hardware diesnt have asiodrivers. -
Sorry, long time I didn't come around here...
@ Draph:
It's quite surprising that pd is the only one not working.
If you managed getting sound from Reason or Live I assume you installed everything correctly, so the only thing I see that could be wrong is your pd audio configuration.- be careful to use the ASIO settings panel, not the Audio settings one. In recent pd versions ASIO drivers are precedeed with a (1).
- take care about the number of audio channels, you should set it to the same value as jackrouter number of channels (4 by default)
Once this is done, everything should be ok.
You don't burst any bubble, as my question to that forum was to know if there was a way to have the same behaviour on windows. I'm not so surprised that this doesn't exist as Jack under windows is quite unknown for now, and unused I guess.
I have XP, OSX and Linux on my pc and OSX is the one that suit me the worst, but it's my own choice
But don't worry for me : a little script and it's done, my jack launches correctly configurated and so does pd.Once again thanks to the Grame
Jack on windows rocks !
I am having the same problem as draph. I've got Jack to work with Ableton (in windows XP), but it is not showing any pd in the connections window. I am selecting "(1)JackRouter" as my input and output devices in pd and made sure that the number of channels is the same as in Jack. My test pd program was just an "adc~" linked to a "dac~". Were you able to solve this problem?
Hi all,
i ve been trying to install Jack 1.9.2 on my computer but it won't work. Whenever i run Jack control i get an error message (Could not start JACK. Sorry). I ve read somewhere that one needs to install Visual C++, which i did. It didn't make any difference.
Some of you seem to have been able to install and use it successfully in windows, so could you please help me with this? do you know of a tutorial that could be of some help?Thanks!
What are you settings and OS (Windows I assume, if you installed Visual) ?
There's a readme file included with the install package, that explain everything.
As long as I remember you have to add -S in the startup options, quote realtime, mode and select portaudio as a driver.This should be enough for Jack to start on your default soundcard -
Thank you for your post Gobbi. Since my last post i have quite successfully switched to the latest ubuntu studio which is incredibly faster even on an older machine. the reason i wanted jack was because i needed Pd to have a lower latency in windows. Now i don't have this problem anymore
The ironic part is that i m not able to get jack to work in ubuntu studio either... I don't know what's wrong with me...
(sorry for replying late btw) -
Funny, I also tried ubuntu studio a couple of month ago, after I started using Jack under windows, willing to see how it worked in its original OS. I had to switch back to windows because of other soft I use but I really loved U-studio.
I think I had the same problem as you getting Jack to work, have you tried it without the real-time option ? Because you have to register Jack in an "audio group" and give this group rights to work in realtime before it works.
You may watch that thread about this problem -
I tried this already, changing the values in etc/security/limits.conf, to no avail. When i get time i ll try to tweak the settings in jack to see if i can finally get it to work. It's not that i really need it anymore now, since i get a pretty low latency with Pd alone in Ubuntu Studio. The only thing i could need now is a soundcard that works with Pd. I have an E MU 0404 USB and it doesn't work for the moment (the sound is sort of sliced up, no matter if the sample rate is below, equal or greater than that of the soundcard). I thought it could be more easily handled by jack, but since i cannot get jack to work in the first place...