Hi, I am trying to record my visual output from GEM. I made a patch that takes audio from a microphone and using fiddle~ to route numbers it makes GEM do stuff. All that works fine. I want to record the visual output to files or a Quicktime, I am still kind of a n000b and I know that pix_write & pix_record are supposed to write files out but I can't figure out how to make it work...
Any friendly step-by-step advice or patch out there? Any way to do synched visual & audio recording simultaneously?
Recording GEM output to files
Never mind... I think I pretty much got it figured out now. I got a bunch of tiff files on my hard drive. Thanks to Ulrich Kehrer's post on the PD mailing list dated Tue Nov 27 15:02:08 CET 2001:
"... pix_write has to be the last object of the gem-list (for example you have
to connect the OUTLET of a cube object to the inlet of pix_write)
pix_write's 2nd inlet understands a list of 2 integers which corresponds=20
to the lower left corner of your snapshot (xy position). the 3rd inlet
also accepts a list of 2 integers which is the snapshot's size (xy size).
for example if your gemwin has 640x480 px and you want to grab the whole
win you have send "0 0" to the 2nd and "640 480" to the 3rd inlet. if you
just want to grab a 100x100px area from the center of the gemwin send "270
190" to the 3nd and "100 100" to the 3rd inlet ...
(the messages "vert_pos x y" and "vert_size x y" both to the 1st inlet do
the same as "x y" (position) to the second and "x y" (size) to the 3rd
inlet). was this clear?!?the snapshots will be saved in the pd/bin directory with successive
numbers as tif files (gemmgem100000.tif).
i didn't find out yet how to tell pix_write a costum place to save the
tiffs and how to change the default name and the starting
number. ...johannes?with a "metro 40" banging pix_write i grabbed a few seconds with
720x576px at 25fps. it was a patch with 9 cubes spinning around and i
noticed that pd/gem waited with the action until a snapshot was written to
disk. the 5 seconds i "recorded" took about 30 seconds to be saved. i then
got a 125 frame tiff-sequence with a smooth movement just like in the
gemwin. that's cool! can anyone explain this behavior?cheers,
thanks for sharing. You got 5 x 25 frames at 25fps - so you didn't drop any frames - try and pass a name consisting of a path to the object & it might save your files to there.
The help file notes that TIFF output is slow - trying jpegs at high quality would be fine re-encoding into a movie - if that's what you want to do with the resulting image sequences...