Not being a math-guy, I sometimes struggle with math-stuff. Most of the time I got a "feeling" for the logic behind it or the timing and such - but how to address math-stuff really? Or let's call it "advanced programming stuff"... What's the easiest way to do a certain task? Simple tasks sometimes - but how?!
So, every now and then, I have to come up with some "math-hacks". Using only the simplest objects. And sometimes I end up pretty amazed by some little things. Like: Tasks I always tend to use a bunch of objects, I 'm suddenly able to do with one object only. Just some little, tiny alteration - and done! Do you know that feeling?
How about start a series of those little, elegant eureka-moments?
It doesn't have to be about "math" - I just mean: personal, little tweaks that let you simplify certain tasks in an elegant way.
Add to the collection Share your most simple, beautiful and elegant little eureka-thingies. We sure could learn a lot from each other. Finding those things within a big patch though is hard, so I suggest make the patch only about that one thing and maybe add a screenshot too, as these things should be so simple, that it's obvious by only looking at it... What maybe is obvious for one is big news for an other, right?
Let me start with one, and you immediately see what I mean:
I call it "if getting smaller/bigger do..." - and you maybe figured that one out already - I only just did...
Have a good time!