Hot Binops
Performs binop arithmetic with 2 hot (active) inlets, which means that the usage of either inlet will trigger an output. Some of the objects require the hexloader library to load properly.

The naming convention is a # symbol, followed by the expression.
examples: [#+ ] [#- ] [#== ] [#!= ] [#&& ] [#|| ] etc.

The collection is based on the binop objects found in x_arithmetic.c. This includes:
binops 1: +, -, *, /, pow, max, min
binops 2: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=
binops 3: &, |, &&, ||, <<, >>, %, mod, div

Reverse Binops
Performs binop arithmetic with the inlets having switched roles. Some objects require the hexloader library.

The naming convention is an @ symbol, followed by the expression.
examples: [@- ] [@/ ] [@pow ] [@<< ] etc.

The collection consists of binop objects where the swapping of inlets would have a noticeable difference in results. These include:
-, /, pow, <<, >>, %, mod, div

Bitwise Arithmetic
Consists of two bitwise objects to perform bitwise negation [!~ ] and XOR ([^ ] and [#^ ]). Bitwise negation has another alias of [~ ] but it will not load unless [!~ ] is loaded first, or if the object is placed in pd/extra/!~ and "!~" is added to your list of libraries.