I migrated from Pd Extended to Vanilla (0.47-1) a few days ago. I've tried to familiarize myself with the handling of externals and the Deken manager, which seems to slowly become more understandable the more I work with it.
But today I've run into some odd issues I never experienced with Pd-extended.
– First of all, the console is a mess of "tried to load, failed" and "tried to load, succeeded" at every start up, which is understandable, but I can't seem to figure out what to take from it. Sometimes I get both the "failed" and "succeeded" version of a message one after the other, regarding the same library/external. Sometimes it will claim to have failed trying to load a given external, but I can call up the objects just fine without having to [declare] or use the [name/*object] initialization.
I would assume that I have made too much of a mess trying to add the paths to "path" and "start up". So I guess it's trying to look for certain things in subfolders where it's not? The issue is that everything seems to load up correctly, but I still get a ton of misleading console messages.
– This one is odd. After having loaded up Pd and scrolling up through the console's many, many messages, I will get to the "credits" message of the zexy external, but it will lag and freeze for a moment before reaching it, sometimes multiple times before allowing me to scroll by it smoothly.
– I tried to continue work on a patch, a 4 channel random sample player. The gui elements will sometimes freeze after pressing play and running everything, which renders all gui elements unresponsive, though I can still operate the patch, but just with no update. From here on out I can't close any patches or windows, nor can I go into patch mode, I simply have to close down Pd and open it again.
I understand that many gui elements can be taxing, but I really haven't got a lot of them going on. I have worked on patches far more graphically taxing in Pd-extended without any problems what so ever. In fact, I've never had any issues like this with Pd-extended.
There is some [metro] objects banging at 100 ms intervals to update the 4 individual audio arrays, but stopping those didn't seem to help a whole lot.
Everytime a sample has ended, it will bang and choose a new sample for immediate playback, sometimes the whole patch system seemed to stop, seemingly as if not being able to handle the stream of information. Again, no issues in Pd-extended.
I hope you'll be willing to help me out here. I suspect that the first order of business is to clean up the "path" and "startup" menus to clear up the system, but I'm unsure about how I would go about that.
Thank you