• vulturev1


    Thanks for the reply, not sure I can use data directly from lop since I need to put that into an oscillator before DAC. I'm also confused how the line~ object makes the input into lop acceptable. But it still leaves me with another problem, sometimes pitch detection drops even when there is pitch, a moving average would solve both of these issues for me, if I could put a few samples from mtof into a buffer constantly and take the average to feed to osc

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  • vulturev1

    looking at frequency values from mtof I see a lot of jumping even with no/very low input. I would like to suppress these transients with a moving average filter, it isn't clear to me how I'd do this. A low pass filter also might work but trying lop~ says I can't connect signal outlets to control inlets . I honestly think moving average is best for my use case (haptic pitch tracking) as I'd like a smooth rise and fall in pitch .Any suggestions ?

    posted in technical issues read more

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