• unclewayback

    @oid Thanks for that! I will try to implement something to increase the step size when turning the encoder faster, as well.

    posted in I/O hardware diyread more
  • unclewayback

    @oid I would be interested in your relative CC abstractions if you want to share them.

    I have a midi twister fighter that I haven't properly set up yet, their configuration app isn't available for Linux but I have made some investigations and have figured out most of the sysex messages, although my patches are still in a rudimentary stage I should be able to do most everything except updating firmware through puredata. It's not a bad controller, but the support is a bit lacking/frustrating. The firmware is open source but I'm not there yet. Anyway if anyone is using one and wants to see the bare bones sysex patches let me know.

    I also have a Linnstrument which is expensive but worth it, I reckon. Very open and well supported/documented. I'm working on a kind of framework at the moment, for using it with pd via their 'user firmware mode'. Should be a pretty good combo! Once that's up & running might dig into the firmware proper. Wish more hardware makers supported this kind of open source approach...

    posted in I/O hardware diyread more
  • unclewayback


    This is an updated patch, I hadn't quite got the hang of 'running status'. The patch now also has all the midi real time messages. The most helpful tutorial I have found for understanding how to handle midi is this one: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/midi-tutorial/all

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  • unclewayback

    (edit: updated patch in following message)

    Hello, I have been fiddling around wondering about how to make a vanilla midiparser that can handle MPE messages like release velocity - your patch was really helpful, thanks!

    I've completed it with all the types of 'midi status bytes' that I know of, and changed the routing system a little bit. It seems to be working well for me.

    Thanks for the info about latency and the native notein object.

    Hope someone finds this useful,

    posted in technical issues read more
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