• Smartronics

    ah ok, got it now, thats a great way of scaling and I didnt know that I could do it like this, thanks a lot :)

    so basically like this here, right? (please see photo)

    load -50 0 .... message

    goes directly into the left inlet of autoscale, then I can adjust it according to the input or the desired goal? right?

    Bildschirmfoto 2017-04-05 um 15.12.30.png

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  • Smartronics

    mmhhh, not quite sure what you mean with "message [load -60 1( by a loadbang to it's left inlet so that it starts with the (an) expected range...... and so in a more gentle fashion. (an initial range of -60 > 1 is a guess!)."

    Could you please explain it again :)


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  • Smartronics

    no prob and thanks for letting me know, but do you think thats a good idea with +199? I mean -60 is almost silence, so wouldnt it be better to scale it with autoscale or something else to get better results? I was looking for an object to scale the value which are coming from the vu-meter to a new number that is more useful for my project. I came across autoscale and implemented it into the patch. What you think?

    Bildschirmfoto 2017-04-04 um 08.57.16.png

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  • Smartronics

    Hey David, thanks a lot, especially for all the examples. Everything works fine now. I also got rid off the "/trigger" and its related objects, I probably just need the volume data. I connected it to Processing and it works fine, just find a way to scale things now. One thing, when I turn off DSP, Processing is getting negative values. Why is that? I mean shouldnt it get nothing? When I disconnect the oscx obejct, processing gets nothing and stops printing values. Its a bit weird and I dont get why this is happening!?

    Thanks :)

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  • Smartronics

    Hey David, thanks for your quick reply, but I am afraid, I cant make it work. Yes Audio/DSP is on, I can hear myself and see it via the VU Meter. You are saying I dont need all that stuff on the right site? Like I said I just ported a Max Sketch which worked fine. But not quite sure about PD. I downloaded it somewhere a while ago. You think some of the stuff within the patch doesnt make sense? Especially that stuff on the right?


    My try


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  • Smartronics

    Hey guys, havent used PD since a while and not really fluent in it, I am bit lost trying to port a working Max patch to PD. Its basically a simple Audio-Input-To-OSC patch. The Max patch works fine and sending data to Processing. But I cant make it work with PD. Does anyone see the problem as pictured below? Thanks a lot

    PS: I am using PD Extended 0.43.4, but that shouldnt be a problem right?

    Heres the PD patch:

    Bildschirmfoto 2017-03-31 um 13.35.31.png

    Heres the Max patch:

    Bildschirmfoto 2017-03-31 um 13.36.59.png

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