Wow, nice work. Could you please give me some hint to flatten my curve of learning resp. tell me from where to start to begin coding externals. I got some average c experience and read the pd-externals tutorial, but from there it feels a long way to write things like this. What resources did you use and could you share?
Thanks always.
Hey folks,
i wanted to codify some text into noise. For testing i wanted therefore to write "a" = 01100001. So i asciify (0,127,127,0,0,0,0,127) to a file which puredata reads as (-1,,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1) with:
[read -resize -raw 0 1 2 n ./sfile array1(
[soundfiler]It turns out, for reading there is no parameter for 1-byte (therefore i use 2-byte) which forces me to double every value resp. every 2n-bit is redundant.
So i wonder why is that and if there isn't a way to write 8 bit (for 1 byte) instead of 2 byte? Please, has someone any idea? I found this way to be the easiest in order to not needing to fiddle with headers, format and so on...
Any help appreciated and thanks for reading.
Well, it depends on skill, but i'd say: of course it's possible. The axioms are well defined and fit quite good to computational modeling. It is really up to the imagination of the crafts(wo)men; i'm very busy at the moment, but Schoenberg's "Harmonielehre" sits on my table awaiting to be studied further. In that book several harmonious concepts are described that could help to "draw" tonal landscapes that transcend the underlying structure. Furthermore one who would like to implement it had to put some thoroughly and concise thought on variation and surprise while unifying chaos and rule (e.g. "pink noise Martin Gardner").
There are as many ways of realization as there are people who get gravitated to all sort of formations and beauty.
Be good.
Dear audiomagicians, i wanted to have a nice and clear normalizer in order to avoid fiddling with amplitude factors. So my idea was to get the maximal amplitude and multiply everything with its inverse. After reading the env~ documentation and some trying i guessed correctly that the dbtorms had to be multiplied by sqrt(2), so i wondered if somebody can give me a hint, why i need to do that..
Anyway, if anybody has some suggestions, maybe for normalizing not just "upwards" resp. to recognize if the factor of multiplication (MF) maybe has to increase to fit the inlet~ between [-1,1] or some other feedback - hand it over! -
Thanks for your fast response. Before i posted i already searched the forum for a similar situation but could not find anything like the thing described.
Well i thought there might be a limit to what you can store (eg. as an array) inside a patch; why else would pd clear the save-content-flag and warn me if i manually choose to save it nonetheless after loading a soundfile into an array?
(i rebuild everything so far and do now load each file on loadbang instead of storing it inside the patch and put everything inside separate abstractions; furthermore regular backups are our friends)@whale-av: I neither compressed it nor changed a path; i've got everything inside one big directory stored. From the file i cannot see why it cannot be loaded.
Thanks anyway and good'days, folks.
Hey folks,
when loading my mainpatch recently all connections in it were missing (in subpatches objects are still connected) and my abtractions are also missing.
I was recently saving arrays (short sound samples) in a subpatch but it seemed fine although i got warnings about saving arrays (btw. where are they stored?); could that made it behave like this?
I deleted some arrays in the subpatch (that was strangely enough open but not anymore visible in the mainpatch) but as far as i can grasp it is not recoverable.Why and how can this happen? Please lend me some rationale on this. Where is the code that produces such tremendous behaviour?
In future projects i'll work much more modular in order to make recovering easier..
Thanks, and good'days..
As nau said, this will give you an equal tempered behaviour; if you like to use a chromatic pythagorean scale or a rather strange one you pick yourselve give these ( scaler.pd patch.pd ) patches a try, as it happens i asked this once myself.
If you like to explore other tonal realms like i do you might like to read this article i found rather hidden somewhere..I really enjoyed reading it..