• driedstr

    @seb-harmonik.ar hmm, thanks for the info. It seems like it would take a bit of hacking to bridge the pipe between the two machines. Also seems a little less beneficial than I'd hoped, the separation of the DSP from the rest of the application isn't as clean as in supercollider.

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  • driedstr

    The puredata help text includes a mention of "connecting to a GUI over a port":

    -guiport <n>     -- connect to pre-existing GUI over port <n>

    Does this mean it's possible to run a server-client setup (like supercollider)? I'm interested because I'm running some audio out on a Raspberry Pi and needing to troubleshoot the patch, but running the GUI over ssh -X is too much for the poor little box and interrupts the audio processing (especially since, IIRC, the GUI is also running on the audio thread in pd). I'd like to be able to debug the patch running headless on the pi with the GUI running on my ssh client machine.

    Is it possible? Have you done it? Do resources exist somewhere?

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  • driedstr

    @whale-av, your hash labels actually work as expected in purrdata. Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 10.17.10 PM.png

    Here's what I just found out after a little more tinkering: sending a hash as a symbol to a canvas label in purrdata works as expected UNLESS there's a digit after it, then it turns to a dollarsign. Furthermore, if that digit happens to be a 0, it turns into 1003, eg

    [label $1(
    [s my-canvas]     
    [A1003] // my-canvas

    Unfortunately this leads me no closer to being able to nicely display scientific pitch notation (eg, G#4) in a canvas.

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  • driedstr

    Hello everyone,

    For some reason when I include a # in a canvas label, it's rendered as a $. For example, I have a canvas object which receives "c1" and when I send "label F#" to c1, it shows on the canvas as "F$".

    This happens in pd-extended and purrdata. Is there a type conversion I'm missing or am I doing something else wrong? Is this a known quirk of pd?


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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!