This post is related to another post I saw about making a Pure Data tape loop
Here is the link:
In that topic @whale-av posted a space_echo.pd patch that is constantly recording and can constantly play back, and you can control the speed of the playback too, it's a pretty cool patch.
Here is the patch
And you need ipoke~ for it to work
My question is how can I modify this patch to only record when I want it to. And the array size would only be the same size as what I record. I still want to be able to change the playback speed, and I would like to be able to overdub onto the initial recording.
I do have a looper I made that uses a timer to see how long a loop is when recorded. The audio is written into a tabwrite~ and played from a tabread4~ . The time of the loop is put into a phasor~ and that is used for playback. The array size doesn't actually change, but the phasor~ only reads from the beginning of recording to how ever long the timer measured as the loop time.
I can upload my example if that helps.
But it looks like in this space_echo patch the audio is being written into ipoke and played from tabread4~. I can't find much info on ipoke~ in terms of writting to it. Does anyone have any advice on how to proceed with what i'm trying to do?
Thank You.