I managed to add the ofxVolumetrics addon to Ofelia and adapt the example.
Here is the patch and an explanation how to add addons to Ofelia:
Maybe this is a good foundation for making a 3d game of life that runs on a shader...
A funny thing (but good to know), that took a lot of time, was that it is not allowed to use function names in ofxOfeliaPdBindings.h that include "upd" - and i was using updateVolumeData() from the addon. I had to change it to loadVolumeData (or something else without "upd").
Ofelia Volumetrics Example
Second example, basically the same patch, but with ofxCameraAnaglyph for a 3d view...
Here is a screenshot: -
I tried to create the shader for a 3d game of life (adapted from my working 2d game of life shader https://github.com/Jonathhhan/PDGameofLife-shaderVersion-):
#version 120 uniform sampler3D Tex0; uniform vec3 resolution; uniform float lCell_0; uniform float lCell_1; uniform float lCell_2; uniform float lCell_3; uniform float lCell_4; uniform float lCell_5; uniform float lCell_6; uniform float lCell_7; uniform float lCell_8; uniform float lCell_9; uniform float lCell_10; uniform float lCell_11; uniform float lCell_12; uniform float lCell_13; uniform float lCell_14; uniform float lCell_15; uniform float lCell_16; uniform float lCell_17; uniform float lCell_18; uniform float lCell_19; uniform float lCell_20; uniform float lCell_21; uniform float lCell_22; uniform float lCell_23; uniform float lCell_24; uniform float lCell_25; uniform float lCell_26; uniform float dCell_0; uniform float dCell_1; uniform float dCell_2; uniform float dCell_3; uniform float dCell_4; uniform float dCell_5; uniform float dCell_6; uniform float dCell_7; uniform float dCell_8; uniform float dCell_9; uniform float dCell_10; uniform float dCell_11; uniform float dCell_12; uniform float dCell_13; uniform float dCell_14; uniform float dCell_15; uniform float dCell_16; uniform float dCell_17; uniform float dCell_18; uniform float dCell_19; uniform float dCell_20; uniform float dCell_21; uniform float dCell_22; uniform float dCell_23; uniform float dCell_24; uniform float dCell_25; uniform float dCell_26; vec2 rule[27] = vec2[27]( vec2(lCell_0, dCell_0), vec2(lCell_1, dCell_1), vec2(lCell_2, dCell_2), vec2(lCell_3, dCell_3), vec2(lCell_4, dCell_4), vec2(lCell_5, dCell_5), vec2(lCell_6, dCell_6), vec2(lCell_7, dCell_7), vec2(lCell_8, dCell_8), vec2(lCell_9, dCell_9), vec2(lCell_10, dCell_10), vec2(lCell_11, dCell_11), vec2(lCell_12, dCell_12), vec2(lCell_13, dCell_13), vec2(lCell_14, dCell_14), vec2(lCell_15, dCell_15), vec2(lCell_16, dCell_16), vec2(lCell_17, dCell_17), vec2(lCell_18, dCell_18), vec2(lCell_19, dCell_19), vec2(lCell_20, dCell_20), vec2(lCell_21, dCell_21), vec2(lCell_22, dCell_22), vec2(lCell_23, dCell_23), vec2(lCell_24, dCell_24), vec2(lCell_25, dCell_25), vec2(lCell_26, dCell_26) ); int get(int x, int y, int z) { return int(texture3D(Tex0, (gl_FragCoord.xyz + vec3(x, y, z)) / resolution).r); } void main() { int sum = get(-1, -1, -1) + get(-1, 0, -1) + get(-1, 1, -1) + get( 0, -1, -1) + get( 0, 1, -1) + get( 1, -1, -1) + get( 1, 0, -1) + get( 1, 1, -1) + get(-1, -1, 0) + get(-1, 0, 0) + get(-1, 1, 0) + get( 0, -1, 0) + get( 0, 1, 0) + get( 1, -1, 0) + get( 1, 0, 0) + get( 1, 1, 0) + get(-1, -1, 1) + get(-1, 0, 1) + get(-1, 1, 1) + get( 0, -1, 1) + get( 0, 1, 1) + get( 1, -1, 1) + get( 1, 0, 1) + get( 1, 1, 1); vec2 r = rule[sum]; if (get(0, 0, 0) == 1) { gl_FragColor = vec4(r.x, r.x, r.x, r.x); } else { gl_FragColor = vec4(r.y, r.y, r.y, r.y); }
But it does not work.
Perhaps I did something wrong with the shader, but I think it does not work because ofFbo() can not store 3d textures.
Not really sure about that... -
Very cool to see some of Ofelia's extensibility -- and nice to see more shader examples (even if 3d seems not fully supported yet).
@ddw_music i think the 3d game of life shader works now. not that it is not supported, i just did not understand it. The only thing is, that ofFbo and ofTexture do not support 3d textures, but they need to be created with openGL (as far as I know, and what I did with help from ofxVolumetrics).
I only did not find a way to paint into the 3d texture yet, right know I need a .png image for every z dimension.
Here is a short example: