thank you, will study this, could you please add the missing
clone oddHarmonic~ 25
... couldn't create
@jameslo said:
what does it mean to low pass filter a signal at Nyquist, since the filter itself is subject to the Nyquist limit? Or maybe you have other reasons to do so?
Yes, that was wrong, I made many mistakes in that patch.
I'm still not convinced that comparing a signal with its upsampled version is meaningful. How do we know that the upper harmonics in the upsampled version are present and aliasing at the normal sample rate?
I see your point and I am not sure.
If this is the case, that whole concept would plop.
for measurement I wonder whether we should be instead passing the normal signal to an upsampled subpatch and then measuring how much energy is above 22050. Then again, that signal would look like a stepped signal in the upsampled environment, and that seems like it would have a lot of additional high frequency energy
No, I don't think so, as niquist reflects before upsampling. Even when using some upsampling filter, as in [inlet~]'s help, you can't un-alias an aliasing signal by upsampling !?
maybe you should try fft-split~
Yes, I was thinking about some steep FFT-filter,
but don't know how to tweak it for different sample rates and with fairly precise cuttoff frequency, yet.
Bessel was not a good idea, high order Butterwoth is stronger, and everything needs to get calibrated, because the filter-slopes are messing with the result.