Hi, I'm trying to use [textfile] in order to start saving presets.
I've set up 3 sliders routed into a [pack f f f] which then feeds a [add $1 $2 $3< message
The print out from this message seems to be correct but when I look in the text file after writing it the values are all at 0. Here's my patch...
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong here please?
Using texfile
@liamorourke Triggers output right to left...... like every object in pd...... so you are clearing [textfile] before writing it (the trigger lets me see straight away what is wrong
But also you are adding all the steps in the movement of the first fader...... every time you move it it packs a new message..... so you need to store your list before you bang it through ( probably...?).
David. -
okay... so what would be the best way to store a list? with a table perhaps?
@liamorourke You can store a list in [list] putting it into the right inlet...... which is what I have done in the patch above.
The problem with that will be that it is only the first of your faders that packs the list...... if you move one of the other two faders and then bang [list] the changes have not been passed through by [pack].
The left inlet is "hot`' and something arriving there pushes the message onwards.
http://puredata.info/docs/manuals/pd/x2.htm is good bedtime reading.Here the "send" bang forces [pack] to send all its contents into [list] and then bangs the list into [textfile]
David. -
ah right... thank you..
I will have a look now. Sorry, for some reason i didnt notice the patch you posted in your previous reply.