I am trying to load up a PD patch https://code.soundsoftware.ac.uk/hg/aeolian-tone
I'm unsure what version of PD this was created with, but I suspect it might have been PD-extended. Some objects are missing from the patches.
So far using some of the recommendations from this forum I've managed to chase down one of missing objects (average) in cyclone so that's great
I'm still missing two objects that I can't yet find in a library
I'm confused by sin as it would seem to be a pretty basic object and I think it should be part of the standard release, so how come PD thinks its missing? I've tried finding this in a library with little success.
prvu is a peak- rms- vu-meter and is/was apparently in the iemlib or flatspace, I've tried loading both of these and flatspace is unknown to deken but iemlib doesn't seem to have the object in any case.
I'm wondering if I should try to change the text of the pd files to reference alternatives if I can find some.
What is the best approach to getting this going? Any thoughts? I'm on pd-0.49-1 and Mac OS