I'm running into some issues with a relatively intensive granular patch I've been working on, and I'm wondering whether increasing my block size would be a good thing to try.
However I am unable to successfully change the block size from 64, either by using block~ or in the audio settings dialog. If I do it via block~ the size is unchanged. If I attempt to change the block size in my audio settings the window freezes - I'm unable to close it, PD becomes unresponsive, and I have to force quit and restart the application (at which point the block size is back to 64).
I have two Macs, and the behaviour is the same on both. One is a slightly older MacBook Pro running OS 10.13.3 and PD 0.48.0. The other is a new MacBook Pro running OS 10.13.4 and PD 0.48.0 (386). The behaviour is also the same both when I'm using my built-in audio card and when I'm using my RME Fireface UCX (over USB).
I have two interrelated questions - is changing the block size advisable as a method for trying to improve performance? I've always assumed it's similar to the "vector size" in Max/MSP, is that right? I'm not entirely certain that the problems I'm having will be fixed by changing the block size, but I'd like to try.
Secondly - is my inability to change the block size a known bug, or something I am doing wrong?
I'll be posting this on a few other PD forums, apologies if you read them all. Thanks!