I am trying to make an modulation envelope that works with the lop~ filter. The lop~filter uses a control inlet for the filter frequency where vcf~ and bp~ uses a signal inlet. And the envelope I have made works perfectly for the vcf~ & the bp~ but not the lop~.
I tried using snapshot~ to convert from signal to control, but the result is not good, even when I feed the snapshot~with a very fast metro to refresh it rapidly.
The subpatch on the left side is the sequencer so you can see what signal I feed into the envelope. When I am live with the patch I can see that the envelope receives a trigger signal. So I am pretty sure the inlet/trigger part is working, so I dont think that is the issue.
On right side is the envelope that I cannot get working with the lop~ filter.
Does anyone have a suggestion to:
a. What I can do to either get the decay envelope I all ready have working in another way than using snapshot~.
b. Make a new decay envelope that uses control signal. Or maybe there is all ready one? I havent been able to find one....
Any help appreciated!
Thanks, Jaffa!