The videos from PDCon16~ have just gone up:
@alexandros and I are both there in Concert 4. Is there anyone else on this forum who also played? @Johnny-Mauser
7 performances from PDCon16~ now online
The videos from PDCon16~ have just gone up:
@alexandros and I are both there in Concert 4. Is there anyone else on this forum who also played? @Johnny-Mauser
but i also miss some. i hope they are still to come..
EDIT: The shows are there! i didnt see that the concerts were playlists! very nice!!
Hey Liam! Well, I used to post on here more before migrating to pd-list/fb/reddit (seeing how my last post was over a year ago lol). I have a hard enough time keeping up with the pd-list on its own, and then the fb group, and then reddit =). Concerts 3 and 5 for me.
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