Hello I have made a score with iannix with 31 curves/voices that are going to sound with 31 oscillators in pd and another 3 curves that are going to be used to control the intensities of the 31 curves, i dont know what is missing but i cant get a sound out of this...
help! the iannix score3er estudio piano.iannix is attached, the pd that says sd3.pd is the one that doesnt work, i attached sd3osciladores.pd, that one contains 31 oscillators that do work.
a friend tells me that is more of a problem between the information of the curve and pure datasd3 osciladores.pd sd3.pd
but I need to sound this! please!
Iannix, pd, problem with connecting 31 curves to oscillators with 3 curves for intensities
@Pándinus Hello there........ all of your oscillators are outputting dc at maximum volume...... i.e "0" Hz at a volume of "1" until they receive a new frequency, and that is swamping the [adc~]...... so I have put a [hip~] to stop that.............
You had the object [mrpeach] that needs to be [import mrpeach] but if your [udpreceive] object was working then that is not the problem.
I have rebuilt your patch in a way that will be easier to change if you have to......... (and easier for me to read).......
It is called [tidy.pd] (for obvious reasons) and each of the oscillators is an "abstraction"........ [me.pd]......
The [*~] volume control objects should be receiving numbers on their right inlets in the range "0" (off) to "1" (full on)...... and now that I have made Iannix more or less work it seems that it never sends the volume curves (37, 38, 39). I cannot be sure as it is not working very well for me.
If you punch a "1" into each of the boxes below the [pow 4] objects you will hear your oscillators..... and yes, when it is working you will need [/~ 24] !!!!!!!!
David, thank you, it worked, you could perceive the volume changes at the end of the score. Im so grateful for you replying, thank you, ill chat with you to see if you have facebook or twitter...
@Pándinus Hello again Pandinus...... I cannot reply easily in the chat, as I need to attach some examples / help........
The "tidy" way of patching makes your patch much easier to change so as to use timbre and not volume as you only have to modify the [me] abstraction once.... and not do it 25 times in your original patch.
Post your original patch again with the changes that you wish to make (as you understand that better at the moment) and I will change the tidy patch for you (make a tidy3). It will only take a few seconds.I think you are starting to understand the $ variables, but this might help........
I have changed the names of the send and receive objects as well..... it should be less confusing!
@whale-av Thanks David ! ,Ill check it! Ill post when I have it!