i share the fruits of a year of work on a 3d navigation system for gem.
goto: www.3rd-eye.at and click blog to download it.
i hope this will open many possibilities for tose interested in realtime 3d visuals and interactive installations.
i also hope you will like it and help me to improve it over time.
some more example files will follow, when i find the time to clean up.
knowen issues:
it was developed on win, it works also on other platforms, but the keyboardmapping was a problem i couldnt solve by now, if someone could help, id be glad.
please report if you experience bugs, and id be also glad to receive a note if you make somethig nice
GEM-Engine 1.0 is a collection of abstractions for PureData Extended.
It employs 3D navigation like you know it from 3D Programms like 3Ds Max or others in GEM, Pd's openGL engine.
It enables you to navigate in 3d space using your mouse, or other input devices. It provides objects to select and move things in space among many other useful little tools for creating your interactive realtime 3d scenes within Pd.
There is also a bunch of MaxScripts, that export coordinate lists of any kind of animated objects from 3DsMax to Pd. By this procedure you can use motion data produced by ParticleFlow, Physics Simulations, Biped-Skeleton Animations or whatever in GEM.
If you use another 3D Programm you will have to write your own export scripts, which shouldnt be hard to do. IF YOU SUCCEED please let me know, so i can include them in the package. I'd also be glad to hear your experiences with it, just drop me a mail sonsofsol@gmx.net
why PD?
* span the gemwindow over a couple of gfx-card outputs using expanded desktop mode (9 screens @ 1280 x 1024 is the most i did)
* use multiple inputs for machine user interaction like: Wii Controller (piped via osc from Karl Kenners Glovepie), MIDI devices, sensors with Arduino boards, Live Camera Tracking with openCV or EyesWeb, Wacom tablets, ARToolkit coordinates, SoundAnalysis… (procedures are platform dependend) ....actually pd can connect with whatever runs on electricity.
* output multichannel audio
* control mechatronics using Arduino, DMX or MIDI.
All this makes my little Gem engine a good place to start developing interactive multimedia installations or sound reactive VJ sets.