@erhandemirci It is very likely that some of the objects inside the object [reverb282~] do not exist in your installation.
Missing objects will not create and will appear with a dotted line around them instead of a box.
Here are those that were included by the author..... R282.zip
But there will be others missing because the object was built using an old version of Pd.... Pd Extended.
It was 32bit and Pd Vanilla is now 64bit.
So you will need to find the missing objects hoping that they will have been re-compiled for 64-bit.
You can do that by going to the Pd top menu...... Help... Find Externals and looking for them in the search window and then installing the library that appears for your os.
One that will probably be missing is [lp8_cheb~] which is available through that method (it is actually an abstraction but with luck any externals necessary should be included in the library that will be installed).
There might be many missing, and they will be listed in the console, but interspersed with all the other messages. You will need to scroll up the console looking for red ink.
But others might never have been recompiled.
If you are unlucky then try using one of the new reverbs...... [rev1~] [rev2~] rev3~]