• xaviminstrels


    I've disassembled an old ball mouse to get the turning velocity and acceleration of x axis. I need to turn it ALWAYS FORWARD.

    I've used [cursor] and [route motion...] or [MouseState] getting "x pos" and "dx"

    The problem is: the values are limited to the boundaries of the screen and then it stops and I can NOT to calculate anything.

    I was thinking about ressetting the mouse position and placing it at home position when it reaches to the end possition, but i have no idea how to doing it!

    There is any way to do that? I'm afraid it's not an easy question but I want to ask experts!!

    Thank you very much!

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  • xaviminstrels

    Hi, i'm new in pure data. I take samples with:

    | /start
    | /
    | //stop
    tabwrite~ tab1

    where tab1's size is 200000. It samples 4 secords aprox.
    I do next:

    -I press start and I take a 4 seconds sample

    -I press start and take a 2 seconds sample and press stop.

    -Now, when i use tabplay~ to play tab1 i can hear the second sample (ok) and the last 2 seconds of the first sample (oh, noo!!!)

    The question is:

    How i can do pd stop when the sample lastly recorded is played.

    Thank you very much!


    posted in technical issues read more
  • xaviminstrels

    Thankyou guys! :)

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