• william13200

    Hi there, in my little application, being able to operate things like:
    == 0,
    == 0.5,
    < 1 would allow me to have substantial progress.
    This is what i do:

    on one side i have something reading a file putting it into a phasor and with snapshot and samplesize i can get the position of the file that is looped.
    This gives me a stream of number which i send and on the receive part,
    i would like to proceed to some logical operations so that i can do things when the file starts, when it's 50% and when it is over.

    But unfortunately it seems like logical operations can't be done on streams,
    the only thing i came out with is moses,
    for instance i have my stream of number on which i apply moses 0.5;
    which gives another stream of number until 0.5 but i am not able to do anything with that, for example banging LEDs, because it is not a releavant thing to get a bang or a toggle.

    Any advice?

    PS: in fact, if i would like to get led toggled on a particular time of the file being read, a stream is not relevant as it seems like the LED constantly receive 0 1 0 1 0 1 and i am not able to get a clear 1 (start) ... 0 (stop)

    posted in technical issues read more

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