Thanks, whale! Kudos to you for deciphering exactly what I was looking for, and giving me some solid pointers.
This patch takes a number and converts it to 8-bit binary. The binary is interpreted as a rhythm cell.
I want to get the number to update on the downbeat so it doesnt play anything while the number is being updated by some other process.
I'm having trouble explaining so ask away if you have any interest.
OK I got it now, was hung up on 0$ but the FLOSS manual cleared it up. Thanks!
Hey I'm going through the literature and fell in a gap. I can't get this patch to output. It's included with pd-extended and is filed under Browser/Manuals/1.Sound/sixteen_harmonics.pd.
the console is saying either ": no such object" or "$1: symbol needed as message destination:"
It looks like the message box trigger and array are assigning $1. but I don't quite understand how they are supposed to interact.
Googling/searching was fruitless