• thyrsty

    This question is probably quite basic as I am still quite new to programming in pd.

    I have checked the help docs concerning the use of linear and spline path but I haven't been able to figure out how to use [tabwrite] properly. It is my understanding that the linear/spline path objects must get their coordinates from an array(s.) I have found [soundfiler] for example, but I am looking for a way to graph movement into an array rather than sound.

    In other words is there a way to track the movements of the mouse within the gemwindow and graph them into an array?

    Also, is there a way to save this graph as a series of coordinates in a text file that could be saved and read later?

    posted in technical issues read more
  • thyrsty

    When I go into Help Browser and select examples/Gem/4. video/00. simplevideo pd I get no response. Isight is activated and PD crashes i.e. I have to force quit PD.

    Gem seems to have loaded correctly in the control window so I'm not really sure what to do.

    Does anyone know what might be happening here?

    posted in technical issues read more
  • thyrsty

    Creating the object [Gem] allows me to create a gem window.

    However, I still can't seem to get video from my isight or any other camera to show up.

    The gem window stays black with no image. And the basic 'create-destroy-gemwin' patch keeps showing an error message when I trigger the [create] object.

    GemwinMac: width - 500 height - 500
    GemWindow Activate err = 0
    GEM: GLEW version 1.5.0

    Not sure what to do next or what i am doing wrong.

    Any help on this would be great.

    Thx in advance.

    I originally posted this in pixel#...

    posted in technical issues read more
  • thyrsty

    I am working on OSX with PD 0.41.4 and when I create a pix_video 'object' my isight is turned on and i lose control of PD. I also get this message in the main window.

    [pix_videoDarwin]: height 320 width 240
    [pix_videoDarwin]: SG channnel Device List count 5 index 4
    [pix_videoDarwin]: SG channnel Device List DV Video
    [pix_videoDarwin]: SG channnel Device List Google Camera Adapter 0me/QuickTimeIIDCDigitizer.component/

    What am I doing wrong?

    posted in pixel# read more
  • thyrsty

    That's amazing. Thx. I'll be sure to post something once I figure it out.
    I hesitated to check the game of life before because it's listed under glsl and I haven't had much luck understanding how shaders work or how to make one. Cheers for the tip.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • thyrsty

    Yes, this is my first attempt at PD.

    I went into the help browser but the pure video patch under examples / gem / video doesn't always work. The green light on isight lights up but the patch file itself doesn't open. Something similar happens with my own patch which is utilizing pix_video. Isight is activated but no video comes through. Also, I lose the ability to quit the program or change back into edit mode.

    Having a [gem] object fixes this problem however,

    I read in the manuals that before Gem can work you must tell PD where to look.

    I'm not really clear on how to achieve this.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • thyrsty

    Creating the object [Gem] seems to have solved the problem.
    However, I still can't seem to get video from my isight or any other camera to show up.
    The gem window stays black with no image. And the basic 'create-destroy-gemwin' patch keeps showing an error message when I trigger the [create] object.
    Not sure what to do next or what i am doing wrong.
    Any help on this would be great.

    Thx in advance.

    posted in pixel# read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!