• theloneviolist

    If you copy/paste two or more objects that are connected, then try to move the pasted objects, only the object you clicked on will move (even though all of them are selected).

    Pretty annoying if you're copying/pasting any number of large sections of objects.

    I reported the bug, but if there are any fixes for it, that'd be nice.

    Sorry if it's been addressed already, I didn't see it anywhere.

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  • theloneviolist

    From what I understand, most homebrew programming on the DS is done in C or C++, and the source for PD is in C, so how much work would be required to make a port? It seems the stylus would be good for connecting objects, and the buttons could each make a different kind of object box, and the d-pad could be used for navigation.

    If anybody is interested in working on this with me, let me know!



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  • theloneviolist

    I have a 1.4 meg ogg file that's about 3 minutes long and it always freezes about 30-45 seconds into playing the file... is this just an issue with the oggread object? Or is there something I can do to correct this...

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  • theloneviolist

    I downloaded the fix, and while it does fix the "no such file" error, it doesn't fix anything else.

    Don brown found that making the patch an abstraction will solve the "only the main window opens" problem. But if you make the patch an abstraction, you have to build it from the folder. And if you build it from the folder, you still get the "only the main window opens" problem.


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  • theloneviolist

    I don't have much experience with C, either, but if we figure out *exactly* what we want the port to do, the "how" shouldn't be too difficult to figure out (with a couple textbooks and the internets).

    Anyway, drop me a line: theloneviolist@gmail.com

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Internal error.

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