• studiorat

    Here's one for someone.

    Anybody know how I can display a Treble Clef sign using text or something using GEM?
    I've written staves and a little dot to point to notes, a clef sign would finish it off nicely. :o)

    I'd rather not just import a picture file.


    posted in pixel# read more
  • studiorat

    Hi all,
    Great forum.
    Coming to PD from a background in recording studios, so excuse the ignorance.

    I don't know if this is the correct place to post this query but here goes.

    I'm looking for some specific resources and each one I try on the tutorials is giving me 404 from the link.

    These are links to tutorials about graphing on parent windows and canvases etc. And the ones about FFT's.

    I'm getting through Millers chapters on Fourier Analysis but I'm looking for patches and papers on Wavlets and FFT's for analysis and resynthesis. And somewhere I can get a handle on getting my arrays on the main window of my patch.


    ps I've found [sigmund~] and [fiddle~] so regarding those things I'm really looking for papers and applications etc.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • studiorat

    Read it, very sketchy. That's why I'm asking about the links to the toots on the site here.

    posted in technical issues read more
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