• StraitFire

    Well, I decided to get back into some iphone live controller stuff using mrmr and Pd. Now I can get the messages to pd just fine, but I

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  • StraitFire

    I just downloaded the rjlib library of abstractions that was used to create RjDj for the iPhone. I want to use some of these to enhance the capabilities of my iphone as a wireless contorller, but for th life of me I couldn't figure out how to get the library to load. Do i need to move the folder of abstractions to a particular place or jsut tell Pd where to look?

    Thanks all


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  • StraitFire

    Here is yet another performance app I created. This one takes midi data from Live and uses it to create visual elements corresponding directly to instruments in the music.

    One thing I couldn't figure out (or just didn't have the motivation to) was make an element stay on the screen during sustained notes. I used note ons to trigger visuals and then just used a dealy to fade them after a short time. This is most evident with the bass. Any ideas?


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  • StraitFire

    Over in the pixel forum someone recomended that I run the audio analysis and GEM in different "instances" of Pd using net send and net receive.

    How is this done, and will it help?


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  • StraitFire

    heres a link to a video of the performance of a project I have been working on for a couple of months.

    If any one wants to see the patch just holler at me and I'll upload it.


    P.S. Hope no one thinks I am spamming the borad cause I posted this in the pixel section too....

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  • StraitFire

    Check this out all

    Just performed this last week for my senior project. There are a few issues I had maybe you guys could help me with. Visuals get laggy at times, might just be something I have to work around but maybe yall have some suggestions. Everything is done live pretty much (music is prerecorded, but arranged and effected live) Any advice for the visual or musical material?


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  • StraitFire

    Im sure theres an object to get info from your computer keyboard. i.e. I press the number one and it sneds some sort of message.

    Any suggestions?


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  • StraitFire

    I have been working through this tutorial http://www.blurty.com/users/claudiusmaximus/day/2007/07/18#407

    And have gotten to recursion+iteration, and the [nrepeat] object won't create for me. It is said that you need to avoid re-entrancy bugs for the final examples. Does anyone know anything about this? (Especially Claudius)...

    Or perhaps a workaround for the problem?


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  • StraitFire

    I keep adding to this thing and its starting to get cool.

    LEt me know what you guys think


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  • StraitFire

    Is there a way to set up my display so that I can send the Gem window to a projector but have access to PD or other apps on my monitor? This would just make performing a lot less stressful.


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  • StraitFire

    Im sure a little research would explain this, but I just wanted to see if you guys could clear this up.

    I am building some recursion structures, and iterations in GEM, and they seem to work best with the vector translations and rotations. So I am using them but I still don't fully understand how they function. The XYZ counterparts are straitforwarard enough.

    ARe there any advantages to using the vector translations?


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  • StraitFire

    So I have mrmr on my ipod, and got it to work the first time I tried it, now coming back to it, I can't get any of the data into pd. I know that it is connected to my computer becuase I can upload interfaces to it, but I can't get anything from the interfaces. Very frustrating. Am I missing a step? is there anyone here that is familiar with the program or the networking schemes?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    btw I am using a patch I found here http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-2425-mrmr-oscemote

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  • StraitFire

    Really showing my noobiness here...

    So I want to be able to distribute some of my patches that analyze audio to control video, and it was brought to my attention taht not everyone uses JACK. So I decided to make a nice little sample player so everyone could use the patches. I am using [soundfiler] to read the files into two arrays(for stereo) then [tabplay].

    2 issues. the first is that the I cant get the whole file into the array, only about a minute or so (I'll check the length later). Secondly, I get clicks, pops and other artifacts, and the visual rendering is affected.

    When I use the same patch streaming audio in from Ableton Live, it runs smooth as butter, so it won't affect my personal performance, but the general masses will suffer by not being able to play with these psychedellic machines themselves.

    Any suggestions?


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  • StraitFire

    This topic was brought up in the patch section of the forum concerning a performance app I am working on (see "perfomance visualizer" in this forum and "a visualizer I am working on" in the patch forum).

    I have figured out how to move the global camera via messages to the gemwindow, but is there a way to make these changes smooth? i.e. how line does for data streams.

    I think it would enhance the piece greatly if I could somehow do this.


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  • StraitFire

    Here is a visualizer in action taht Ive been working on.

    Check it


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  • StraitFire

    So I am working on preparing this patch for a performance in about a month and a half, and I was wondering if you guys had some advice/techniques on making it more "playable" via midi messages. I want to build up the systems one element at a time, and I think that I will be able to do that without much hassle. Perhaps changing the shapes, colors, placements etc. would be worth looking into. All you have to do is send audio in via JACK, or load a sample and plug the output into both fiddle and bonk. I know its still a mess, but hopefully you will be able to decipher it.



    here it is

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  • StraitFire

    Hey Everyone,

    I just finished a modification of a patch that someone posted here awhile ago(I forgot who, but the patch was called slow colors.) I have it on youtube and was looking for some feedback.

    Here's the link:

    Looking forward to hearing from you guys


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  • StraitFire

    Hey all,

    I am trying to take audio analysis data and use it to control movements of visual elements. I have tried many different approaches and I always seem to run into the problem of jerkiness. Any suggestions as to how to smooth the data out so the movements are fluid, and more natural looking?


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  • StraitFire

    Well I just started fooling around with mrmr, having a blast.

    Couldn't get pdipod to work properly so I just stuck with something that I am still building based off of something nestor built I believe.

    I am having some issues with accelerometer. I would like to create my own user interface catered to my specific performance needs, and there is no widget for accerlerometer in the mrmr interface builder. I tried typing it manually but got nowhere. Also I can't seem to get my custom interfaces to save onto my iPod. I can get them to load via wifi but when I go to load one I presumably saved, nada.

    Anyone have any ideas?


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  • StraitFire

    Hey all,

    I am working on my senior project, which involves music and visuals via Abelton/PD/GEM. I was looking for some advice on things I could do in GEM for the visuals.

    The theme I am working on is evolution and am having trouble coming up with visual patches that can really express that idea along with the music I am writing.

    I stumbled on Claudius' recursion tutorial that he wrote sometime back and that seems promising but I was just wondering you guys had any other suggestions as far as this goes. Processes, sample patches, visual techniques etc.



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